Nutre Hogar Life

At Nutre Hogar our group works with the children there to ensure that they are taken care of and get the love and attention that they need as kids. The children at Nutre Hogar suffer from malnutrition and are at the clinic to help combat that malnutrition, and our group helps out. We play with the kids all day taking them from room to room to play with toys and maybe push them on a swing or two so that they get the activity that they need during their time of development. The kids are all so adorable and just love to play with us. Everyone helps out even if they don’t have a baby to watch, by sorting clothes and going through donations to inventory the items which helps the people at Nutre Hogar as well. We feed, change, play, and put down the kids throughout our busy day of chasing them around the place. The hardest part of the day is when we have to get them ready for bed, which is the end of our day at Nutre Hogar, and when there are the most tears. These kids have touched all of our hearts and we are all so happy that we could be apart of their lives, even if it was just for a little bit to play with them for a day.

Keeley Spears
